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  • Writer's pictureHunter Elliott

YouTube Shorts

For the past few years I've been making YouTube videos. I'm quite passionate of making them but have never gained any traction in views or subscriber count. Those have never been the true goal, but they could be of assistance if I were to pursue a full time in content creation.

I began posting shorts and noticed they would get to around 100 views. I noticed the shorts would do better when I posted about my dog, Tuck. They began with a couple hundred and currently a couple thousand. I now have a system. I use mainly the same hashtags and location for every post. I post a short every day at 10:00 AM. And occasionally do an extra short where I respond to comments. I enjoy the habit now. It's become a part of my daily routine. I believe it helps me mentally to have goals and ambitions besides my day job. This hobby also helps to give me more play time with Tuck because of the extra effort I am giving. It may look like I record everything I do with Tuck but in reality it's about 5% I was worried it may feel like I only play with him for the content but this morning I took Tuck out to play in the rain and forgot my phone.

(Picture from another day)

I thought about the idea that I'm only playing with Tuck for the content. I don't believe it to be true. I film stuck for the purpose of memories and hope to remember him forever. Sharing those on the internet comes as an after thought. I have not reached the point of purposefully going out just to make a short. I am passionate of photo and video so I bring my cameras and phone to record my real moments. Moments of hiking, playing, running, etcetera, become parts of my entry to my journal of photos and videos.

The success that I have seen and the success that I may see, will not determine how I spend my daily life with my family or dog. May I someday plan out my content, yes. This will not change the authenticity of my life. The way I act in real life will spill into the videos and photos but the way I act in the videos will not spill over into real life.

Never change unless it is a useful skill or knowledge you are adding to your character. Based on your own opinions and experience.


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